For some reason I can add sidebars, but not new posts. Please check back later. I have been working on a variety of things including switching my blog soon from this one, which was set up with my now-defunct West Wisconsin Telcom account. I hope to have my new blog through Gmail up soon. I will provide a link and announcement when I've got everything straight. 7/2/11

Monday, January 24, 2011

Literary Living and the writing self

One thing that surprised me—my writing personality likes a tidy, organized office, and I guess mine COULD be messier!

I am very much enjoying the Literary Living Program, and the community of writers who are participating. This week, we took an online personality test based on Jung and Myers types (most of us have taken the Meyers-Briggs personality test in school). The only change I’ve ever had is that, up until now, I was slightly more introverted, and now—after teaching for a number of years and participating in a variety of public speaking programs such as Dale Carnegie and Landmark, I have crossed the line and am slightly more extroverted. I am, if you are curious, an ENFJ (extrovert, intuitive, feeling, judging), which is the Teacher personality. To take the online test, go to

One of the things that interested me about Literary Living is that the creator, Joan Dempsey, asked Dawna Kemper to write a book that takes each of the personality types and identify what the types mean when applied to writers. For more information on the program, see

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