For some reason I can add sidebars, but not new posts. Please check back later. I have been working on a variety of things including switching my blog soon from this one, which was set up with my now-defunct West Wisconsin Telcom account. I hope to have my new blog through Gmail up soon. I will provide a link and announcement when I've got everything straight. 7/2/11

Friday, November 20, 2009

If I wasn’t feeling overwhelmed, I would . . .

I sometimes feel so overwhelmed right now, with our moving preparations, teaching, and all the other things going on, that I am almost paralyzed. Who hasn’t had this happen to them? I am testing out some new ways of dealing with time, action and too many things to do—and am having a number of successes. For fun, I thought an exercise in wishes would perk me up. So here are the rules to this new game:

Complete the sentence, “If I wasn’t feeling overwhelmed, I would . . .” with any words or phrases that pop into your head, no matter how outrageous. Here are mine for today:

  • Plan a trip to Paris

  • Read art books for 12 hours in a row while Sharpie brings me pizza and refills my wine glass

  • Sleep until December

  • Dance along the creek

  • Call the movers to pack immediately

  • Visit my home town of Urbana, Illinois

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