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Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Serious writers spend a lot of time in the prewriting phase

My grandfather made this writing desk and chair. My grandmother wrote letters at it. I've done some prewriting, journaling, and letter-writing while seated there.

There is an excellent essay on the writing process by Deanna Mascle at Note how well Mascle explains the prewriting process—this is a key component for being a successful, serious writer. Here is a quote from her blog:

“The theory of writing process begins with prewriting or invention stage. This is when you may need to do brainstorming, research, and planning to get started with your writing project. This is the stage that struggling writers spend the least time on and experienced writers spend much more time as they know that more attention and thought at this stage can save time and effort later. This stage may have a lot to show for it in terms of prewriting and research or it might take place primarily inside the writer’s brain. This depends on the individual writer, the complexity of the task, and the familiarity of the writer with the task." (Mascle, Renaissance Woman blog)

I am currently in the early prewriting phase of a history book. I’m slowly pondering the outline, drafting a book proposal, querying publications about articles on the subject, working my way through the research, and will soon start scheduling interviews. I am still a long way from starting the writing phase. But—by the time I start, because I’ve invested time in the prewriting stage, the book will practically write itself.

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