For some reason I can add sidebars, but not new posts. Please check back later. I have been working on a variety of things including switching my blog soon from this one, which was set up with my now-defunct West Wisconsin Telcom account. I hope to have my new blog through Gmail up soon. I will provide a link and announcement when I've got everything straight. 7/2/11

Monday, February 4, 2008

The Creative Mind: where do ideas come from?

Ideas can come from inspirational things like music, or from friends, or from events.

A number of you have asked me how I get my ideas. When I first started blogging last summer, it was a little tricky getting inspiration. Yikes, the “what-should-I-say-today” syndrome that can wallop all writers (and teachers). I settled into a three-posts-a-week mode, which enabled me to keep regularly posting even while busy teaching as a part-time adjunct instructor. In fact, I started two more blogs this fall for my Written Communications class, and my Oral/Interpersonal Communications class. Again, at first it was tricky. But, now that I’m “seasoned,” I notice that ideas come so quickly I have to prevent myself from posting daily (hey, I still worry I MIGHT run out!). I think it is because whatever I read, wherever I go, whatever I do, there is now a very vocal Idea Grabber in my head who pipes up, “that’s an interesting tidbit.” It is one reason I include so many posts with links to other sites, plus my Link of the Week—by being curious and alert to what is going on in a wide range of areas that I find interesting, I stir up ideas. Whether it’s rooting around in the Library of Congress archives, other people’s blogs, conversations, news, or inspirational works, something always piques my interest. Online, in print or in person. And that Idea Grabber in my head is getting much better the more practice she gets.

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